Revolutionary Companion
He takes what he has learned and experienced in Crossroads as well as what he knows is true about himself—that he is a hands-on guy, that he was an Army Brat as a kid and knows the military lifestyle, that he sees the preciousness of life everywhere, that he is a follower of Jesus, that he has a vision for possibilities.
Rapp does street-outreach work for Hope for Veterans, a non-profit organization that provides housing and services to homeless veterans. Rapp’s job is to look for homeless veterans—in alleys, under bridges, out in the woods. When he finds someone, his next step is to be with them wherever they are until they feel safe enough to trust him, and then he helps them get into the Hope for Veterans program.
For some vets, the movement into the program occurs quickly, with others it is a longer journey that can take years. For Bob, the work is all about taking the experience of community he gained in the Crossroads program out into the world. His mission, he explains, is to foster what’s possible by working together. “A lot of people do tremendous stuff,” he says, “and we need to share that.”