Fast Facts
Student Body (Fall 2018 - Spring 2023)
- Average 62 students, representing 29 denominations and faith traditions
- 81% enrolled part-time
- 24% racial/ethnic diversity
- 27% ages 22-30
- 34% ages 30-49
- 39% ages 50+
Enrollment by Category (Fall 2017 - Spring 2022)
- Master of Divinity 31%
- MA Theological Studies 22%
- MA Chaplaincy 13%
- Non-Degree 14%
- Spiritual Direction & other Certificates 20%
Statement of Educational Effectiveness
The Association of Theological Schools requires accredited institutions to publish a statement regarding educational effectiveness. The following statistics are based on students who entered and graduated from our degree programs from 2017-2022.
Master of Divinity (2017-2022)
- Number of MDiv students graduated: 16
- Average time to graduation: 4 years
Master of Arts in Theological Studies (2017-2022)
- Number of MATS students graduated: 21
- Average time to graduation: 5 years
Master of Arts in Chaplaincy (2017-2022)
- Number of MACh students graduated: 6
- Average time to graduation: 3.5 years
Cumulative Graduation Rates (2017-2022)
- MDiv: 76.9%
- MA Professional Degrees (MACh, MACC, MAFM): 72.2%
- MATS: 50%
Placement Rates Within One Year (2017-2022)
- Master of Divinity
- Vocational Placement: 85.7%
- Further Study: 4.8%
- Other: 9.5%
- MA Professional (MACC, MACh, MAFM)
- Vocational Placement: 75.0%
- Further Study: 9.4%
- Other: 15.6%
- MA Academic (MATS)
- Vocational Placement: 63.6%
- Non-vocational Placement: 22.7%
- Further Study: 4.5%
- Seeking Placement: 9.1%
Facts about faith background, degree enrollment, full- and part-time enrollment, time to graduation, post-graduation employment rates, etc.