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Overview of Publications on the Moravian Church in English 2000-2010

Compiled by Andrew Heil, Paul Peucker, and Lanie Graf

This bibliography was first published in the Journal of Moravian History and covers all material published about the Moravian Church arranged topically (history, music, theology, missions).

Introduction To Moravian History, Theology, Worship, and Mission

Unity Library Project 

This bibliography was prepared by Craig Atwood, Paul Peucker, and Peter Vogt at the request of the Moravian Unity. The books and resources on this list were sent to eleven theological libraries in different provinces of the Unity in Africa, North America, and South America in 2012.

A Basic Bibliography of Moravian Studies

Prepared by the Rev. Otto Dreydoppel, Jr. (2007) 

This lengthy bibliography covers older and newer material on the Moravians, including the classic studies of the Moravian Church. It is organized topically with sections on music, worship, history, and missions.

Translations of Zinzendorf's Works into English

Many of Zinzendorf’s most important works have been translated into English but are often hard to find. This list includes modern translations that are in print and translations made in the 18th century.

Bibliography on the Unity of the Brethren (the Ancient Unity)

From Craig D. Atwood, Theology of the Czech Brethren

The modern Moravian Church traces its origins to the Unity of the Brethren, a church that flourished in the period 1457-1627. There is not a lot of information on the Unity of the Brethren in English, but this bibliography contains the most useful scholarly resources on the Unity in English and German.

A Catalogue of Books Relating to, or Illustrating the History of the Unitas Fratrum (1881)

By William Gunn Malin

This is an excellent resource for finding older works on Moravian history, many of which are available on-line. It is readily assessable through the Library of Congress.It is arranged topically and includes works on the "Ancient Unity."