Crossroads Upcoming Classes



Mondays 6-9 pm
Starting February 3

Instructor: Pam Weiss
This class will be held on Zoom
Price: $300

Learn More & Register


Crossroads is currently working to update our courses and launch a new regular schedule in the Fall of 2025! Until that time, we are happy to offer courses through the Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry for Crossroads credit. 

For Road Hazards > Ministerial Ethics and Professional Development. Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm, March 4–April 8, 2025. 


Rev. Dr. Linwood Smith. Learn how vocational identity and spiritual practices provide a framework for ethical decision making in ministerial practice. Participants will examine the ethical guidelines in their ministerial context and discuss key concepts, including fiduciary duty, confidentiality, healthy boundaries, and self-care in ministry.


For Journeying Together > Navigating Congregational Conflict and Crisis. Thursdays, 7–8:30pm, May 1–June 5, 2025.


Rev. Dr. Brunilda Martínez. This class equips leaders to analyze, interpret, and respond to crises in their respective places of ministry, drawing on relevant literature such as crisis theory, congregational systems, and conflict transformation.


For Traveling Mercies > Introduction to Pastoral Care. Thursdays, 7–8:30pm, June 19, 26, July 3, 10, 17, and 24, 2025.


Rev. Dr. Butch Kuykendall. An introduction to pastoral care with attention to basic skills (effective listening, pastoral presence, referrals, and self-awareness) and ethical obligations in a variety of settings. Topics include loss and grief, illness, addictions, and trauma-informed care.


Browse offerings and register for courses here.

Crossroads participants are also invited to take classes through the Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry. (PAM)

Spring 2025 PAM Classes:

The following PAM classes can be applied toward your Crossroads certificate:*

  • PAM “Navigating Congregational Conflict and Crisis” equips leaders to analyze, interpret, and respond to crisis in their respective places of ministry, drawing on relevant literature such as Crisis Theory, Congregational Systems, and Conflict Transformation. Taught by Rev. Dr. Brunilda Martínez. This class may be taken to satisfy the Crossroads “Culture, Change, Communication, and Conflict” requirement. Synchronous Zoom sessions Thursdays, 7–8:30pm ET on May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and June 5, 2025.
    Register directly with PAM to participate.

*While the format and delivery of PAM courses may differ slightly from Crossroads, courses listed for transfer credit have been selected due to significant overlap in content and because learners will achieve similar outcomes through their work in the course. If you have questions, please contact Lindsey Jodrey, Director of the Crossroads Program or Darryl Stephens, Director of the Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry.