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What You Need to Know

Go deeper into the life of the Spirit and learn to support the same attention to God in others through the 10-credit Spiritual Direction Intensive Program.

Typical Curriculum for the Academic Year

Semester                                   Credits
Summer SEFS800  Intro to Spiritual Direction* 1 credit
SEFS712  Discernment* 2 credits
  SEFS822  Spiritual Direction 2: Art, Practice, Supervision* 3 credits
September xx-xx  Wisdom School Retreat On-Campus  
SEFS722  Group Spiritual Direction 2* 2 credits
  SEFS823  Spiritual Direction 3: Art, Practice, Supervision* 2 credits
February xx-xx Wisdom School Retreat On-Campus  
TOTAL CREDITS   10 credits

* Distance students will join the class via Zoom.

Wisdom School Retreats

The Spiritual Direction Intensive Program integrates Moravian’s unique charism of inclusivity and community within a deep contemplative stream and the pedagogy of a Wisdom School. In addition to five required courses, the curriculum includes two 3-day retreat learning residencies (Fall and Spring). Both Wisdom School residencies will be held at a local retreat center near Bethlehem, PA.

The two retreat residencies will be conducted in a Wisdom School format, with times of Centering Prayer and Body Movement interspersed with teaching and practice work, creating a Benedictine Rhythm of “ora et labora,” prayer and work. There is an additional cost for the retreat which will be billed separately.

Giving Direction and Receiving Supervision

The Spiritual Direction Intensive Program includes both peer and individual supervision sessions. Students will meet with 2-5 directees (pro bono) and will receive individual supervision with one of our approved supervisors (five 1-hour sessions each semester). The cost for individual supervision is included in the tuition. Peer supervision will take place during the group class times.

Distance Students

Students taking this program at a distance will join local students for class times using Zoom, a web-based meeting platform. Students may meet with directees in their own geographical area and will meet by Zoom with an approved supervisor at mutually-agreeable times. Distance students are required to attend on site the two Wisdom Retreats. Arrangements and travel costs to the retreats are the responsibility of the student.