Faculty Spotlight: Riddick Weber

Rev. Dr. C. Riddick Weber
Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry
Director, Center for Moravian Studies
Riddick Weber was invited to record music that will be part of the upcoming 70th anniversary festivities for the Moravian Brass Band Union of South Africa (BBSA). Alex Hitzeroth arranged the music and will be editing together to individual recordings sent in by numerous musicians. This follows up on similar work Riddick participated in for the Moravian Music Foundation’s virtual Moravian Music Festival in the summer of 2021.

This past summer’s festival also had contributions from South African Moravians, as well as Moravians from many other parts of the Moravian world. Riddick will also be leading the Worship Ensemble at the 2022 Moravian Music Festival in Bethlehem, which will debut several new contemporary pieces written by Moravians.