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Intellectual & Professional Integration

Course Descriptions

SEIP810 Leadership in Ministry

This capstone course will draw upon learnings about the concepts of vision, mission, stewardship, evangelism, and discipleship from both coursework and supervised ministry settings and how they are integrated into the worship and administrative life of the congregation of religious organizations. Students will anticipate the challenges and joys of ministry and current challenges and opportunities for religious organizations as they develop their personal pastoral approaches to ministry. Must be taken fall of student's last year at MTS.
3 credits

SEIP820 Intro to Chaplaincy

This course lays a foundation for assessing and integrating theories of spiritual care, faith development, and family and organizational systems that inform one’s work as a chaplain. Students develop practices that form and nurture their own and others’ faith as they explore important theological, ethical, intercultural, interfaith issues commonly encountered in a variety of chaplaincy settings, including nursing home, hospital, campus, prison and other emerging chaplaincy situations.
3 credits

SEIP901 Credo

The Credo course is designed to enable participants to draw together, in a written statement, an integrated understanding that encompasses biblical, historical, theological, and pastoral studies and experiences. The result of the process is a description of the student’s formation in faith and the responsibilities and tasks of ministry. The aim of the course is to bring together concepts, understandings, and experiences into a living theology that can witness with clarity to the Gospel and the work of God in the world today. This is to be incorporated in an extended paper of 25-30 pages.

In conjunction with the student’s program, the paper will provide a basis or instrument for appraisal of intellectual proficiency in the theological disciplines, a theological understanding of pastoral and professional skills, and sensitivity in Christian experience. The outcome of the course will serve as an indicator of the student’s present development and uncover areas, issues, and relationships that demonstrate a need for further study and investigation.

The Credo course will include two readers in addition to the instructor. One reader will be from the student’s faith tradition and may be a mentor, supervising pastor, or similar person. This person will be involved in the writing process by commenting on early drafts. The second reader will be a full-time faculty member assigned by the instructor who will read the final product and make comments that will be included in the final evaluation. The final Credo will be due at the end of the fall semester. Faculty readers will have until January 7 to submit comments to the instructor who will submit the final grade by January 15. Must be taken fall of student's last year at seminary.
2 credits

SEIP941 Supervised Ministry Portfolio 1

In small groups, students process moving from supervised ministry orientation into their supervised ministry setting. They also begin collating learning covenants, assessments by supervisors, and assignments to help prepare portfolios and complete ordination requirements. Small group work and projects develop student abilities to do theological reflection and develop practices of self-awareness and self-care.
1 credit

  • Prereq: SEPL940, 24 or more hours of coursework.
  • Supervised Ministry Placement.

SEIP942 Supervised Ministry Portfolio 2

This course is a continuation of Supervised Ministry Portfolio 1 and focuses on developing the same skills. Must be taken during student's last semester at seminary.
1 credit

SEIP950 Masters Thesis Research

This 3-credit course provides the research skills and tools needed to complete a successful MATS project, thesis, or Credo. By the end of the semester each student must have an approved proposal that is constructed in conjunction with his or her director and reader. Any remaining class time will be devoted to writing the first draft of the project, thesis, or credo.  This course is taken Pass/No Pass.
3 credits

SEIP961 MATS Thesis Extension

The MATS Thesis Extension provides thesis writers a one semester extension to complete and defend their thesis. The extension is granted in collaboration with the Thesis Advisor and MATS Director. The deadlines for the final draft and defense will be based on those already established for the particular semester or new ones may be established that are mutually agreed upon by the Thesis Advisor and MATS Director that occur within the framework of the semester. Students may be granted up to two consecutive MATS Thesis Extensions. Thesis Extensions are granted in the Fall and Spring semesters only.  (Incompletes may be granted for Summer and Winter terms.) The credits from Thesis Extensions are counted in addition to the 54 credits required for the MATS.
1 credit

SEIP963 MATS Thesis

The thesis is a major scholarly work (40-60 pages) on a subject of the student’s choice that integrates biblical, historical, and doctrinal studies. It must be defended orally. Thesis guidelines and application forms are available in the Form Center in the Student Work Room. MATS students should consult with the Director of MATS in their first semester at MTS to plan a course of study that will contribute to their area/s of research interest.
3 credits

  • Prereq: SEIP950