All Together Now:
Theological Resources for Community, Care, and Action
Lifelong Learning Resources from Lancaster Theological Seminary and Moravian Theological Seminary in the wake of the 2024 election
All Together Now is a series of Lifelong Learning resources to equip religious leaders amidst increased tensions and challenges in America today by providing opportunities for connection, shared learning, spiritual renewal, and plans for action.
Each of the four offerings begins with a free online panel and continues with an invitation to continue engagement throughout the month and earn CEUs through reading and discussion groups and extended workshops on the topic. All who enroll for extended engagement will also receive a Toolkit with recommended resources for application in their own context. The cost is $50 per CEU and can be completed in about 10 hours over the month with flexible modality (online, in-person, asynchronous, and synchronous options).
Healthy Separation: Understanding How Christian Nationalism Threatens Democracy and Gospel
Featured Faculty & Guests: Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood (of Word & Way), Greg Carey, Riddick Weber, Sarah Bogue
- Register Now for the Zoom Panel: March 11, 7 p.m. [EDT]
Register Now for the Extended Engagement: March 17 - April 11, 7 p.m. [EDT]
Participants Will: - Learn from leading experts about the rise of Christian Nationalism, the role of separation of church and state in American history, and historical and recent engagement (or lack thereof) with this phenomenon on the part of faith leaders
- Gather tools to responsibly discern news and media, particularly when the news covers faith and politics
- Recognize what human rights issues are most under threat today, due to religious rhetoric and the rise of (White) Christian Nationalism (with the aim of theologically-informed intervention)
- Plan a congregational/community event to share your learnings and inform those you lead
Theology and Public Life
Contributors: Lee Barrett, Deborah Appler, Greg Carey
Zoom Panel in May with Extended Engagement to follow. Stay tuned for dates!
Participants Will:
- Form theological values for engagement in public life
- Learn techniques for connecting across ideological divides
- Develop a strategy for engaging those attracted to Christian Nationalism in ways more likely to change hearts and minds
Discover the value of interfaith leadership principles and interfaith work for the public good - Plan a congregational/community event to share your learnings and inform those you lead
The Politics of Belonging
Possible Contributors: Brigidda Bell, Melvin Baber, Lindsey Jodrey, Darryl Stephens
Zoom panel in the Fall with Extended Engagement to follow. Stay tuned for dates!
Participants Will:
- Discover a range of approaches to belonging from Womanist, Postcolonial, and Queer, and other perspectives
- Explore readings of Scripture as a way of opening up imagination for ways of belonging beyond that prescribed by White Supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, etc.
- Develop practices for resilience, imagination, and hope - especially for those facing marginalization
- Plan a congregational/community event to share your learnings and inform those you lead
Previous Events
Spiritual Resources for Community: Coming Together in Challenging Times
Featured Faculty & Guests: Catherine Williams, Jennika Borger, Marcella Kraybill-Greggo
Through the panel and extended engagement participants will:
- Find space for connection with other faith-leaders facing similar challenges
- Enjoy spiritual refreshment and gather resources for continued individual use
- Gather spiritual and liturgical resources for use in your own context
- Experience the value of singing, spiritual practices, and spiritual direction for faith communities
- Apply strategies for building a trauma-informed community in preaching, teaching, and worship planning
- Plan a congregational/community event to share resources and nurture those you lead
To continue the conversation on Spiritual Resources for Community and to earn Continuing Education Credit, join us February 3-28th for Extended Engagement:
Maintain connections with other leaders throughout the month through our online portal and through various in-person, online, synchronous, and asynchronous opportunities
Gain skills in liberation and trauma-informed leadership by participate in a reading group discussing selections from Cole Arthur Riley’s Black Liturgies: Prayers, Poems, and Meditations for Staying Human and Kimberly Wagner’s Fractured Ground: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma
Join a workshop to learn a new Group Spiritual Practice to enrich your own spiritual life and to share with your community
Build a Toolkit for application in your ministry context