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The Hinge

The Hinge was a forum for theological discussion in the Moravian Church. Views and opinions expressed in articles published in The Hinge are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board or the official positions of the Moravian Church and its agencies. One of the early offices of the Moravian Church in Bethlehem, Pa. was that of the Hinge. This was someone whose task was to examine “everything and bring troublesome factors within the congregation into mutual accord without their first having to be taken up publicly in the congregation council.” (September 1742, The Bethlehem Diary, vol. 1, tr. by Kenneth Hamilton, p. 80). 

The Hinge journal was intended also to be a mainspring in the life of the contemporary Moravian Church, causing us to move, think, and grow. Above all, it is to open doors in our church. The Hinge was published with the assistance of the Center for Moravian Studies of Moravian Theological Seminary, 1200 Main St. Bethlehem, PA 18018, and all rights are reserved. Articles in The Hinge may not be republished or posted on the Internet without the express permission of the author and the editor of The Hinge. Articles may be duplicated according to “Fair Use” rules, which allow for discussion in church classes and similar forums. 

As of the 2020-2021 academic year, publication of The Hinge has stopped.  The most recent edition was Volume 24, Number 2 (Spring 2020).