Illness & Healing
Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound (1997)
Sermon celebrating Access Sunday, acknowledging the need of all persons to have access to worship and spiritual resources, regardless of any disability.
Healing: A Rainbow of Hope (book, 2001)
Exploring healing through biblical and theological dimensions and wisdom. Includes exercises and a congregational program.
This 131-page book has been divided into four sections for faster downloading and viewing. Click a section to download the PDF.
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Spirituality, Well-Being and Ministry
- Healing in the New Testament
- A Comprehensive Model of Life's Complexity and the Nature of the Spiritual
- The Spiritual Resources of the Christian Tradition
- Affirmations for Resourcing Life
- Disturbances in the Perceptual Field
- Prayer for Healing
- Meditations
- Exercises Dealing with Suffering
- The Lord's Prayer as a Way of Centering in God (Luke 10:38–11:4)
- Providing a Community of Support and Love: A Congregational Program
- Bibliography of Some Significant Recent Books
- WWW Sites
- Some Symbols for your Life and Faith
An observation
Some Theological Perspectives on Disability
An article seeking to advocate helpful and creative perspectives on disability and persons with disabilities.